Seventh Annual Orlando Youth Empowerment Summit Empowers LGBTQ+ Youth

Last updated on November 03, 2021

Seventh Annual Orlando Youth Empowerment Summit Empowers LGBTQ+ Youth and Families 

As part of its continued efforts to assure every resident is equally valued and has equitable access to opportunities, the City of Orlando is partnering with Zebra Coalition and local LGBTQ+ community organizations to host the 2021 Orlando Youth Empowerment Summit (OYES). OYES empowers Central Florida’s LGBTQ+ youth with workshops to help them become future leaders in the community by creating a dialogue about current issues impacting this population. 

"LGBTQ+ inclusion continues to be a priority for the City of Orlando and is another example of Orlando's continued commitment to equity,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “OYES brings our community together to create safe and inclusive spaces for our LGBTQ+ youth and allies to learn and support each other while fostering understanding, acceptance and respectfulness.” 

OYES will include free dynamic and interactive workshops, entertainment, and activities for LGBTQ+ youth, parents, and allies to create awareness on inclusion and cultural competence value and opportunities to develop necessary skills to become leaders of the future. 

"Zebra Coalition is honored to join the City of Orlando and our community partners to host the 7th annual Orlando Youth Empowerment Summit, this year uniting LGBTQ+ youth through both a virtual and in-person educational experience," said Heather Wilkie, Zebra Coalition Executive Director. 

Since its inception in 2014, OYES has been supported by the City and LGBTQ+ community organizations to assure all communities feel welcomed, respected, and valued regardless of race, cultural background, place of origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability. 

"Diversity and inclusion are the core values of the City of Orlando," said District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan. "We celebrate members of the LGBTQ+ living their truth and being their authentic selves. We are Orlando United." 

Saturday, November 6, 2021 
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. 

UCF Downtown Campus 
Dr. Phillips Academic Commons - West Wing 
528 West Livingston Street 

For media interviews, please contact Deputy Manager of Multicultural Affairs & International Relations, Luis M. Martinez at (email) or at 407-383-2073 (phone). 

To register and obtain more information, please visit 

The summit will feature a variety of workshops, including: 

  • Intersections of Queer Identity and Spirituality: Josh Bell is a survivor of the "stained glass closet," having served as a pastor for ten years prior to coming out as gay. He now helps others who are navigating the tension of faith/spirituality and LGBTQ+ identity. This conversational session is an opportunity to explore this tension and create space for deeper, intersectional authenticity. 

  • Our Stories, Our Voices: LGBTQ+ Representation in Media: What does representation mean to you? For many within the LGBTQ+ community, it has become a question of quantity over quality. Years of seeking scraps have resulted in representation that causes more harm than good. In this workshop will focus on understanding the roots of LGBTQ+ representation in television, movies, and pop culture.  

  • History of LGBTQ+ Activism: Ever wanted to learn more about queer history and some of the inspiring activists that helped pave the way? This workshop will focus on highlighting some of the activists, advocates, and allyships in the LGBTQ+ movement seen through an intersectional lens. Transformation happens in the streets, most often led by people who have been pushed so far into the corners by society, with their backs against the ropes, that they have nothing left to do but push back. 


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